What does it mean when you haven't had a period 4 bout 2 mnths?

Hmmm, ok my last period was in october… It’s now december… I went to my dr. They told meh I’m not pregnant??? What could be the cause of this… Is it because its 2 early to tell or what ??? Should I get a blood test done to see whats up?

Any advice???

Answer #1


Answer #2

well then you could be pregnant if you had unprotected sex and the day after was way too soon to take the test so it would not have shown if you were pregnant the test could aslo have been false, though the chance is slim to find out if your pregnant take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had sex (any sooner and the results won’t be accurate) in the morning with your first pee is the best time and take it when your period is due alternatively, see a doctor for a blood test this will both let you find out quicker and give you more accurate results

Answer #3

if your doctor told you that you wernt pregnnat (after taking a test) then your most likley not ptregnant if your still not convinced, get a secoond opinion and see another doctor other than that reasons for missing a period are your period is irregular your stressed out your sick youve lost or gained a lot of weight recently you have an eating disorder thats stoping you gaining weight which can put off your period and even make you infertile youve been exerscising a lot recently and even if your just not eating properly

Answer #4

I haven’t they call me GREEDY because I EAT a lot…lol Im not stressn about nothing, I’m not sick and my period is not irregular… but when I took the test I had just had sex like a day ago w/o protection so could that b a reason 4 a false test?

Answer #5

then you should see a doctor if you havent done any of the other reasons I’ve mentioned above

Answer #6

I did use birth control to regulate my periods.. and they been coming regularly… but now it stopped for the last 2 mnths???/

Answer #7

Haha, no freaking out. Periods or weird sometimes. I used to go 3 months without having mine and then poof! regular for awhile. Birth control is my best friend. I know what’s going on every single month. That may be my suggestion to you.

Answer #8

your welcome :]

Answer #9

thanks will do so!!!

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