what does it mean when this guy ikn0 said this?

Sometimez y’all need yalls eyes open to the present That’s the problem with yal so called “older” females. Y’all have linear thinking.

Answer #1

probably something that got a deep meaning :D

or maybe it a secret clue he trying to give to you

Answer #2

It means he suffers from a mental disablilty and you should pay no attention to what falls out of his mouth.

Answer #3

he means open your eyes and “think outside of the box”. be creative and open up to the world and all it has to offer. like as in example when I was in high school this kid brought a pillow into my school and went into my old english teachers room and he climbed ontop of this cabnit like thing and pretended it was his house and he wanted to live there. he is saying that no offense but you have a boring life and you need to be more open. thats how I think he ment it. and dont look to the futer or past think about whats happining in your life rite now. dont worry about stuff that happend a year ago only worry what happend a second ago. dont look to the future enjoy what you have now. that is what I think.

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