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What does it mean when someone says they swear up and down?
What does it mean when someone says they swear up and down?
it means they really mean whatever they are saying (or at least they are telling you they do)
that they really mean what they are saying.
there swearing to god and the devil probly I don’t know lol
When my family says it we’re implying that we swear a lot, lol
what does it mean when someone says I gave him the means to the end - 1 Answers
what does it mean when someone says I gave him the means to the ends?
What does it mean when someone says your first - 1 Answers
What does it mean when someone says your first on the bad list, and you're last on mine
what does it mean when someone say I think the fruit is rotten? - 1 Answers
what does it mean when someone say I think the fruit is rotten? as in the saying
What does it mean when someone says... - 2 Answers
What does it mean when someone says he's 2 years her senior? Or he's 2 years her junior? just wondered :)
what does it mean when someone says back roads always lead to somet - 1 Answers
what does it mean when someone says back roads always lead to something?
What does it mean when someone says against the grain should be a w - 1 Answers
What does it mean when someone says against the grain should be a way of life
what does it mean when someone says that you have a hollow voice ot - 1 Answers
what does it mean when someone says that you have a hollow voice or that it sounds hollow?
What does it mean when someone says your first on the - 1 Answers
What does it mean when someone says your first on the bad list, and you're last on mine
what does it mean when someone says that they have or dont have a s - 1 Answers
what does it mean when someone says that they have or dont have a shadow of a doubt?
what does it mean when someone says - 1 Answers
what does it mean when someone says I just cant win for losing and you can never win you can never lose?
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