What does it mean when he says this?

Okay so my ex boyfriend has told me that he misses me and has thought about me lately. However, he is seeing someone new…

Does this simply mean I have been on his mind or could it mean that he is not happy with his new girl?

Are there any deeper implications to his statements?

Answer #1

he may be saying this so you dont move on… like if him and his new girlfreind split up then he knows your still there, so he’s keep you on the rope if that makes sence… or maybe he does really miss you and just wants to see if you miss him too

Answer #2

Your boyfriend oviously still has feelings for you but its up to him to decide how he feels and end his relationship with his new girlfriend. See if he mentions it again and if he does just ask him what hes trying to tell you! x

Answer #3

he’s really talkin his game to you he’s got his jersey and game face on?!?!?!!

Answer #4

Or it simply means he wants his cake and eat it too!!

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