What does it mean when a guy says...?

Okay so there is this guy whom I’ve known for three years and we started off as friends. But just last year, it turned into more sexual. So I guess you could say it was friends with benefits type of thing. But to me I think its more of a booty call for him because he will only text me when he wants sex and that only happens every other month (I don’t normally go to him when ever he wants). I thought that I wanted sex but I didn’t want it to be at the point of no longer really talking to each other as friends and * every time I see him. I wanted to address my concern to him so I texted him. We talked a little bit and finally I told him that I missed my friend that I haven’t seen in over a year. He asked “who?” I thought he would understand but I guess he didn’t? So I just told him I was tired and needed to sleep because I didn’t really want to get into it. So he just said “hey ok” and then when I was almost about to sleep, he texted me again saying “ hey so is that it?” I didn’t understand what he meant so I asked him “what is it?” he then just texted me “that’s it then.” I texted a ? But never got a respond. I’m so confused at what he meant and I feel stupid for not understanding it lol. So can anyone please help on what I should do? And what he meant by that?

Answer #1

I can’t say for sure but by “it” I think he met your sort of relationship. if you just want to be frends tell him that. you shouldn’t let your self be used like a peace of meet. if you were in a proper loveing relationship with him though it would be difront.

talk to him or you’ll never get to the botom of it.

good luck

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice