What does he mean by the hints?

So I need to know if a guy is into me? -So it all started this school year I was in the gym with some friends so was he and I noticted he started to come closer to me and he kept smiling at me and he wanted to talk to me but his friends wanted to leave so he went but I knew he was flirting with me he had that look on his face -couple of months later it’s my bday and friend suggest that I take a pic with him I was all for it so we went up to him and offered some food that I had then my friends says it’s her bday why don’t you take a pic with her but he was acting real nervous and was walking in circles and we finally took the pic and walked away my friends on the other side took a video of him after we left so I can see his reaction and it looked like he had a shy smile like right after you hug your crush -weeks later I was walking to class then I see him he is walking with his friend then he starts to nudge her then looks down -so what does everything mean bc I need to know for sure

  • there has been more hints like that please help!!!
Answer #1

Hints means lykhe looks at you several tums and looks you and the eye there’s slot of ways to b a hint

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