What does he mean?

Ok, so I’m still having problems with this guy. A few weeks ago a guy friend and I were just playing around. So we put our arms around each other. This guy turned blood red, bit his lip and could not stop staring. Then he would not talk to me for like 2 or 3 days. He’d look at me with a sour look on his face though. Well, he finally started talking to me again. He got more touchy. Everytime he saw me he had to touch my arm, or back or hand. So a few weeks after this his friends are hanging out at the mall. I’m hanging out with a friend. My friend and I go up and talk to this guy’s brother. (we’re good friends) Well, I hadn’t seen his brother in a few months so he hugged me. The guy knew we were like right across from him and had been for like 5 minutes. He didn’t say anything until I hugged his brother though. He went the rest of the night without talking to me until he got ready to leave. I went to tell him bye. I stuck my hand out for a shake or high five or whatever. Well, he grabs my hand and yanks me into him. He pulls me so hard I literally like land in his chest. He then preceeds to hug me. He won’t let go. He keeps squeezing tighter and tighter and like rocking back and forth. Get this though..he says he just wants to be friends. I don’t understand him at all. Oh yea, and I was talking to him the other night and he wants to hang out but not at my house and he doesn’t want to meet my parents. He says they get in the way and always think things are going to happen. Well, I tell him he has to meet them and he freaks. He starts asking all these questions like: is he really protective? can you hang out alone, do you have to stay to a confined area? Then he says he would rather go somewhere else instead of one person’s house. I guess what I’m asking is…what exactly is he saying and should I hang out with him? Or..was that his way of saying..I don’t want them around..b/c I want to do stuff?

Answer #1

Drop him… find someone who isn’t such an unstable flake…

Answer #2

I think he is jealous. he doesn’t want you but he doesn’t want anyone else to have you… to much testosterone. I think you should talk to HIM about it because only he can really answer.

Answer #3

I say you should stsy away frm him before he harms you in any way

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