What do you think to this true story?

A young 13 year old girl liked a guy, He was friends with her and flirted with her. But somtimes he could be a bit mean and make fun of her but not on purpous.

The girl Louise came ill with shingles virus she was off school for 9days She trusted her friend charlotte not to tell anyone about shingles but charlotte slipped. And told the guy she liked matt about shingles.

Matt thought this was funny and made up a new song aabout her Shingle Bells And making up jokes. When charlotte told becky over email she was so upset. The guy she liked for 2 years lacked out.

When she got back to school she was angry with matt. Matt then relised what he had done and kept trying to talk to her about it. She wouldnt take it and hated him.. She still had feelings for him…

She told him to have a wonderful life and walked off.. Did she do the right thing?

Answer #1

Well, if he was trying to apologize, I’d probably take the apology, and try to stay friends. Make sure he knows that it hurt you and tell him that he has another chance to be a good friend.

I believe everyone deserves a second chance. And friends can be hard to come by…so I keep them close.

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