What do you think this guy is thinking?

This kid is suppose to be my best friend..Hes a senior, and im a sophomore. Hes leaving after this year, and it was already established that we probably wouldnt really see each other anymore..His girlfriend is a mean person, and I dont hate anyone, but I dont like the way she treats people. but anyways..its like, he only takls to me when its convient for him.. and it makes me so sad because.. im not sure but I might be in love with him. I know im young, but I just get this funny feeling. I know he cares, just what do you think hes thinking when he talks to me and why do you think he might be sort of pulling away..he used to tell me everything…thanks..

Answer #1

oh thats really big the big thing is hes leaving and he doesnt seem to be so interested to stay just for you plus he has a girlfriend so really you just need to move on I suxs when you love someone and they dont love you back at least in the same way

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