What do you think of the Panic! at the Disco break up?

Personally I think it’s sad…but for the best…They had different tastes and they might produce an album they don’tlike if they didn’t split. But what do you think?

Answer #1

what was that anyways…

Answer #2

What is panic at the disco? Is that a movie?

Answer #3

what !!! WHEN!!! OMG!!!

Answer #4

I stll can’t believe it!! I’m gonna miss their amazing music! :(

Answer #5

FIANLLY! God damn, Is how I feel.

Answer #6

Panic! at the disco is still a band, Brendon and Spencer are still working on the new album and Ian Crawford and Dallan Weekes have been filling in on tours. I personally see improvements since the break. The exclamation point has been reinserted into the name. And Ryan and Jon’s band “The young veins” in my opinion is horrible. I think Panic! is getting back to where they need to be as a band.

Answer #7

Falling out really, maybe some of the members didn’t exactly get along and that fell through. That, or they wanted to pursue their own careers in a different band.

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