What do you think of love?

for all those who have been in love. how would do you describe it feels like? im saying like everytime you see him/her, think of him/her, or anything about him/her?

Answer #1

I agree with the person above me except you dont always feel like everything is wonder full sometimes the hard times hit home but thats when you know that person will be with you through it all as a best friend and as a girlfriend and thats one of the best feelings. its all warm and fuzzy and comforting.

Answer #2

When your in love, it’s a feeling one can’t describe. Its warms fuzzy and makes you grin over nothing. When ever you see the person, you can’t help but smile, your heart beats faster and nothing can ruin your day. When you think of that person, you only think abut how much you want to be with them that moment. You want their arms wrapped around you and you never want the moment to end. When your in love, everything seems worthwhile. Life isn’t boring and your no longer alone on weekends. Your always happy being with that person and think that everything is wonderful. Life has meaning and you cant understand how you went on living with out this person or feeling in your life. Adleast, that’s what it felt like when I was in love :)

Answer #3

Love starts off well, you love someone, they are your everything, and it feels like thigs are just perfect. But then we get to the dom side when you get dump, you notice him looking at other girl, and you get jelous, and you end up heart brocken. There the love that dosen’t, but we believe it does, and were only using it for sexual pleassure. And then theres the love that is worth everything you go trough.

Answer #4

It can be 1 of the most shittest things ever! Can cause you so much heart ache it actually feels like your heart is breaking!

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