What do you think its like to be in love?

Hello if you’re in love, or if you think you are, please answer this :) Whats it like to be in love? I understand its a hard question to answer.. But whats it like?

Answer #1

Hey hun.

I’ve been in love twice. Love can be the most painful thing in the world, im not gonna lie. but then when your with the person and everythings going rite. Its amazing. you get a feeling in your stomach, hmm how do I discribe it.. well you feel nervous but excited and happy. It just feels right. you neva want to leave that persons side. And take the risk of getting hurt because itll be worth it all the good times are worth the pain.

Byebye xoxo

Answer #2

I think it is like when you start to put somebody else’s needs and feelings ahead of your own, but in a good way not in a unhealthy way. You are happy all the time, and even when things don’t go well, your day is still great!!! It’s like having a permanent smile on your face, no one can upset you and make you mad…lol It is really great!!!

Answer #3

Well… It is a really powerful and intense emotion,more than hate. When you are in love you will know it. You won’t need to ask. It’s like when he is all you dream and think about every moment of the day. love Tammy

Answer #4

one word: amazing (unless they dont love you back then its amazing in the worst way)

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