What do you think I should do?

I know that this guy likes me. he flirts with me constantly and I like that he does it. but he has a girlfriend. also we were sitting at lunch and this friend of mine told my table that I remind the guy, I like, of his girlfriend. he’s like “you do”. he bumps into me at least once a week. he likes to sit by me at lunch and stuff like that. OH and he was going through my purse and he put his # in my phone. also, he does drugs, but he’s a really nice guy. (he doesnt hit girls, he talks 2 people who sit by themselves at lunch, he’s friends with almost everyone, besides like stuck up kids,etc.) it dont bother me but my family wont like that 4 sure! I was thinkin that if we ever would go out that I would only tell my friends. im more closer 2 them then my family. what do you think I should do? thanks

Answer #1

He has a girlfriend. Until thats over, don’t make any plans.

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