What do you think? Am I overreacting?

So I like really really hate this kid at school he willo not leave me alone. He asked me out like a few months ago and I said no and he wont leave me alone like he makes stupid sexual comments and when were sitting together in the science lab he tells me to move closer and when I say no he puts his arm around my chair and I’ve told him he’s annoying and he wont stop and he like pokes my butt with a pencil all the time and im like in grade 7 is this sexual harrassment or am I a retard??

Answer #1

I think he likes you - but like most boys that ages he is going about getting your attention in a completely stupid way. He probably thinks he is flirting with you but you find it annoying more than anything. Or he is angry that you said no to him and he is trying to tick you off by being a pest. Ignore him - he is doing it to get a reaction out of you. Just pretend he is not there, he will eventually give up if he isn’t having an effect on you - he will get bored of it. If not, then complain to the teachers about him.

Answer #2

That’s sexual harrassment tell your teacher or parents and the kid will get in trouble and stop.

Answer #3

your not a retard. he’s just persistent in a perverted harrassing way. like I do or any of my other frends do if we’re in a bad situation with a guy we ask them to say sumthin and if the dude still keeps messing with him we either play his game and kinda sorta jump him, but in a more fun way than a violent painful way.

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