Shopping list, am I asking for too much?

Does this sound like I am asking for to much? Ipod touch Camera Chi Roller skates Lava lamp $ for Shopping spree Hair products Boots American and hollister jeans Black flannel and other flats Ed Hardy perfume Jacket from Victoria secrets and Ipod accesories

Answer #1

Its a lot of stuff definately! But if your parents can afford it.. you know!! If I were you I would ask for that stuff from a bunch of different people! The most expensive stuff ask your parents or close relatives, but the rest ask basically anyone who usually gives you gifts!

Answer #2

Yeah, just a tad. Take off a few things which you may not use often and keep the things you’d use a lot of the time.. (:

Answer #3

If that is a wish list for four people to pick from - each person picks one or maybe two items - it’s OK. But if you are trying to score everything, it is a bit much.

Answer #4

well yes but if your parents are rich during this whole set back of a year then no but if they are barely cuttin it then heck yea

maybe you should split that list in half sweetie

hope it helps the parents’ pockets


Answer #5

Oh, well that changes things a lot lol. Nah… its alright then if its between four people. =D

Answer #6

Thats nothing compared to what I have and my perents do buy it!! HEHE:) But I guess not I dont see it as much

Answer #7

It is divied between four people also… I forgot to say…

Answer #8

thats ok between four lol

Answer #9

God yeah!!! Geeezzz… bit pricy…

Answer #10

for christmas?? yeah!”!!! it does

Answer #11

I hope you’re parents are rich!!

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