What do you think about different genres?

I want to know what people think about different music genres? I think that the hip-hop/rap genre are just the a fad where people will like them because that is what is in. While you look at the rock/metal genre and it is like a way of life that people follow, people who like rock genre music know of many “no-name” bands who haven’t made it big yet but we still like them. while in the hip-hop/rap the only way people will know of them is if they become big and put out just ONE good single. country genre music is the same as rock it is a way of life. pop is like in between, it is like for the people who want something that is fake. what do you think?

Answer #1

I agree with the hiphop/rap thing. that kind of music is aqn bad influence. ROCK RULES!!! and rock is rock. you cant go wrong with that.

Answer #2

you have good points, people tend to like what is popular or what everybody else listens to. rock I think is something that has been present for longer that hiphop or pop so more poeple that are less mainstream like it, and they dont care if its popular or not. rock, [!although it began by blues and jazz!], is like the history of music so newer stuff is probably more popular with younger peolple, but then again im wrong since some young people like..I dont know AC/DC, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, etc..

Answer #3

I belive almost every music genre is like that, most people like the latest hippest song (no matter what genre it comes from) and there favourite song will usually change as they years go by and new songs come out

Answer #4

Yeah like the above I like all genres!! I love how somesongs have asome meanings and it dosent matter what caind it is… I just like all of it!!

Answer #5

Music is a wonderful creation :D where would life be with out it? I perfer metal and rock genres, I think your right about how some people are when it comes to their music. In some cases its very different though. :) Best not to judge a book by its cover when its much more fun to read till the end.

Answer #6

Personally, I believe that a song can be good no matter the genre…good music is good music.

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