what do you think about catholicism?

no offense for all of those who are catholics. what do you think about catholicism as a religion? I think that they twisting some facts.. like the baptism thing..they believe that if you are not baptize God will not accept you to heaven?Jesus gave up his life so we would be cleanse from our sins and like praying to mary and saints which is idolizing..which is stated in the 2nd commandment.? im not against catholicism..feel free to state your opinion.

Answer #1

I get that other christian denominations dont have the same ideas about Mary or whatever and that fine, I just dont like it when people say we worship her because its simply not true.

I never said that the faith worships Mary. I just said that Praying to her isnt going to do anything, She was a sinner just like every1, She was chosen by God because she was of the line of David, Not because she was the Holy one. No1 other than Jesus on earth was Holy, and there never will be.

But again this is my opinon, I dont expect anyone to agree with me.

there are other things that I dont agree with but im not going to get into all that as this post would go on forever.

Answer #2

nah I dont agree wit yah bobbiee…religions cannot take us to heaven..it only guides us to be closer to God..theres no right or wrong principles..think about it..heres an example yeah you go to church like every sunday but are you living a christ centered life? of are you just going to mass because you know you need to?peace!

Answer #3

people have so many different opinions on this topic I personally think Catholicism is something that has the right principles and that people who follow these principles should be admired.

Answer #4

for the record, I dont actually believe in purgatory. I have barely even heard the term by any Catholic since I was a very young child and then I think it was just to make things sound a bit nicer.

I get that other christian denominations dont have the same ideas about Mary or whatever and that fine, I just dont like it when people say we worship her because its simply not true.

Answer #5

To bad they can’t marry, they can’t marry because the church does’nt want to support large families, so they remain celebent|(baloney) I think it is all about power, which is’nt as powerful as it use to be,

Answer #6

By the time of Martin Luther the RCC was hopelessly corrupt. The Protestant movement both challenged the RCC’s ultimate authority and forced the RCC go through many reforms of its own. Protestantism both started a new branch of religion and revitalized an old one.

Answer #7

ummm the first part of the “hail Mary” came straight from the bible. It was what Gabriel said to Mary at the Annunciation. Yes, im sure some Catholic priests are gay, but that aould be said about anyone. Some people are gay. Pope John Paul was a wonderful man who did a lot for the world and endeavoured to bridge the gaps between christianity and other world religions. It is nt up to you to judge him and say he is in hell. It is for God to decide.

When we pray the rosary we are not “praising her name.” I really dont think you understand Catholism, you’ve just heard all the common misconceptions and judged us all that and on past mistakes.

Answer #8

People always have this perception wrong… catholics do not idolize anything, actually to catholics its a sin to idolize. Catholics as for the intercession of saints, and angels.

Which basically means they ask them to pray for them, or help them pray…

Dont start up a discussion if you don’t know your facts maaan!

Answer #9

thats kool :D Sorry, just to clalify, not angry or anything, I know I can be kinda hard to tell when your not actually discussing something face to face!

Answer #10

Well well well I just happen to know about catolicism and my religion - the east Orthodox … I ‘m sure that my religion in difference to the catolic one has much more information in the bible… It might be because of the fact you found out … I don’t know…

Answer #11

I’m not crazy about the Catholic church for a couple of reasons.

It claims to be the ultimate conduit of God but has a lot of skelatins in its closet. If it was truely guided by God would it have arrested Galileo for observing that the Earth in fact orbits the Sun instead of vice-versa? Wouldn’t it have opposed the NAZIs from the beginning rather than waiting to see who won WWII before choosing sides?

I generally don’t get worked up about what anyone believes but the Roman Catholic Church has a lot of political power as well. Their opposition to birth control has caused millions to die or live miserable existences in starving 3rd world countries. The RCC managed to keep population control off the agenda of the World Health Organization for 3 decades.

Answer #12

im Catholic and I dont understand why so many other Christians of different denominations seem to dislike us so much. Our fundemental beliefs are the same as im sure you would find if you read the Catholic creed.

We do not idolise Mary or the saints, if I remember correctly the Catholic version of the bible actually has more in it, not less as suggested before, and while some of the people in leadership positions have abused these positions, it doesnt mean we are all terrible people, it means some people who claimed to be Catholic were not, just as you come across other Christian people who say they are living Christian lives when in reality they are not. Pope John Paul II publicly apologised for many of the past actions or positions taken by the Catholic church, what else can we do? Funnily enough, most Catholics did not actually take part in these events.

There are a few things I dont agree with, eg I think the position on birth control etc is a bit outdated

about baptism, Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “The Lord himself affirms that baptism is necessary for salvation [John 3:5]. . . . Baptism is necessary for salvation for those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed and who have had the possibility of asking for this sacrament [Mark 16:16]” (CCC 1257).

Answer #13

oh I forgot about catholics praying the rosary is one good example of praising her name.. the word HAIL MARY..thats clear. and thats why pope john paul is in hell ryt now I think..

Answer #14

amen to you churdle! ;O your completely ryt..you too sumerrain about the celebacy thing haha I red that catholic priest are just homos,sum of them..and luthien about the purgatory I also agree theres no such thing.. thnks for your wonderful opinions I appreciate it… peace! ;)

Answer #15

Watered down bible teaching leads to LDS, JW’s, Scientology, and the like, where they think they can become a god.

There is a hell and it is not a place where I want anyone to be suffering forever.

It is great, as long as The Great Commission is being filled by “missionaries” for the Good News of Jesus Christ who is Our Heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit all in One!

Answer #16

haha peace to you girl.. anyway the bottom line here..its not what our religions is..but are we following Gods orders? do we have faith in him alone? people should realize that religions are only a guide but its not the way to heaven..but thanks for all of your wonderful answers and opinions…much appreciated… ;)

Answer #17

no, I think you have misunderstood me, I didnt mean to make it sound like I thought YOU were saying we worship her, simply that some people do and thats what I dont like. You have different opinions to me on the matter, and thats fine, I respect that.

Answer #18

I am Protestant, and yes I do believe that in certain asspects the Catholic Church is wrong, ie. confession, praying to mary (shes isnt the mediator between us and God, Jesus is the only one we should pray to, to get to God) Purgatory, thats not even mentioned in the Bible, etc

yes there is extra books in the Catholic Bible, but none of the extra ones, include any Scripture or anything about Jesus. Them two things are the main reason why the Bible was wrote, so to have books that dont mention either, are wrong

Answer #19

A lot of people think that the Catholic Church is the original church in the Bible. Actually, the original church is what is described in Acts, but as years went on the church became more about religious organization that faith in Jesus Christ. Martin Luther didn’t start a new religion. he simply pointed out that the way we were doing things was not according to the Bible and the Acts church and started getting people back on track.

Answer #20

I said I THINK he is in hell..im not judging but just sharing my opinion.. peace?

Answer #21

The Catholic church is the original Christian church - with all the rituals, creeds, prayers to saints etc. These practices were present right there at the beginning when Constantine created his new Imperial religion.

I find it amusing when Protestants bash the Catholic church for being unbiblical, when the Catholic church is the entity that created the NT as we know it!

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