what do you think??? :)

this is just a thought that came 2 my head but um… do you think Jesus was ever in love??? I think he might have been cus everyone has 2 be in love at least once in their life… rite??? :) :) :) Merry Christmas!!! :) :) :)

Answer #1

It was until recently that people started to speculate this. In a book I have called “Mysteries Of The Bible” it says Jesus was in fact married to his most devoted desciple, Mary Magdalene, a prostitute. Whom Jesus had once cast seven demons out of. She watched him get crucified, watched them put his body in the tomb, and three days later when he had risen from dead she was there. The Da Vinci code is mind-opening, yes, and does explain the theory in depth. But in all reality anything is possible. After all most everything about Jesus’ life and death are just theorys.

Answer #2

He was a Jew, way back in the day(his day) you had to be married to be considered holy(so I’ve heard actually, from a Jew none the less) 1, 2 there has been many speculations since his death. Da Vinci, none the less, in his famous painting The Last Super, painted a woman on Jesus’ right hand side. There was nothing Jesus did that was ever considered great. Never went 20 miles from his house, grew up as a carpenter till age 30, wasn’t baptized till the age of 30(wonder how many people remember that). The bible only tells us about when he was an infant, one incident as a toddler/young child, & then in that last few years of his life, nothing inbetween. He could of very well had a wife & kids & left them or of had Mary Magdalen follow. He did nothing great so no rumors are needed to discredit him because there’s nothing to discredit him of, point blank.

Answer #3

1st person that answered: thats messed up!

Answer #4

If you saw the da vinci code, you’d know there is a whole theory based around Mary being Jesus wife, not just a follow on of the group.

Answer #5

ya I do becuase obviously since a lot of people at the time liked jesus and his teachings im sure he had girls all over him. he probaly had sex a lot

Answer #6

Jesus was in love with Mary Magdalen, even your biblical scholars say that. & I highly doubt Jesus was God’s human form. Remember at the end of his life he pleads to God “God, why have thou forsake me”. If he were God he’ ld basically be saying “Myself, why have I forsaken me”…don’t think so.

Answer #7

This is speculation that has been started in our generation, since we are sex saturated, and can’t seem to think of anything apart from sex… however, there was never any mention of this in all the years since Jesus walked this earth, including the Jewish historian, Jocephes, who was alive when Jesus was on earth, and wrote volumes that go along with scripture. This is just a modern day way of trying to discredit him and degrade him.

The whole purpose for him coming to earth, was to live a sinless life, in order to fulfill the requirement of the Father, in order to redeem mankind. He was successful in his mission. He walked the earth, just as we do now, however, he did not commit sin, and therefore was accepted as a substitute for our sins.

Answer #8

Remember Jesus was God in human form… just cause He was in human form didnt make HIm any less God.. yes he felt pain physically like we do and stuff but he was pure and free of sin.. Did He love hell yes whats why He died cause He loves everyone… I personally dont believe He was romantically involved… I believe His focus was always on people knowing the Father through Him and His mission on earth… He came to save not to condemn and I believe He was tempted like us.. He just didnt fall like we do… loving someone is not a sin so its possible he loved romantically but I dont thinkso.. I think He spent His time on saving the world rather…

Answer #9

It is very much possible that he was in love at one point or another, after all he was human and love is not a sin. (It is the nature that we love that could be considered a “sin”) Da vinci/bible code however was nothing more then a fad or a movie. The thing about the bible code is that it uses coding in the bible to say that the bible was false. Well if you use a code within somthing to discredit it will ultimatly end in failure. Not everything in life is about sex, and not everyone who is well liked get sex a lot. There are some people who have morals.

Answer #10

maybe yea he was a human being so yeah

Answer #11

If there was a historical Jesus as all, he was probably married.

Answer #12

He loved God

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