What do you think?

Hmmm well there’s this guy I liked A LOT ! And we’re good friends . Even though I don’t like him anymore , I really care for him and I’m just curious whether he like likes me or just likes me as a friend . He’s really nice to me and he tells me a whole lot of sh*t he’s been through . Somehow he trusts me with his secrets and most of his family situations . Most of the time I know that he’s pretty annoyed with me cause I like txt or call him like EVERYDAY ! But if he’s so annoyed he would ignore me and all but he doesn’t . Whenever I ask him if he wants to come movies with me and some of cousins he would always come , but I know that sometimes he comes cause of my girl cousins that I go with . And your probably thinking that he’s just using me to get to my cousins but when we talk he doesn’t ask me about them and I know when im being used . He likes to pick on me but not in a mean way but as a joke , if I take the joke too seriously then he apologises . Hmm oh he doesn’t know my ex but he’s only seen him once and yet he doesn’t like him . He would say something like ‘bring your pooftah boyfriend to the movies so my little brothers can bash him up’ and im thinking - what the hell ? He always calls my ex a drop nut , cause this one time my ex was with my cousin at mcdonalds and he came in, sat next to my cousin and started talking to him [cause they know each other] . Owell my ex’s bro came to get him so my ex stood up and went . Everytime I ask him [the guy I had a crush on] why he doesn’t like my ex he would always say it’s because he just stood up and left when they were at mcdonalds but its not like he was talking to him right ?! My cousins keep telling me that the reason why he doesn’t like my ex is because he’s jealous . And his brother told me that he said im pretty . kayy you may think he like likes me but I dont really know because this one time I told him this -I like you a lot and I hate you for making me feel this way cause I only want to like you as a friend- itz really heartbreaking cause his reply was ‘oh that always happens to me’ and he said something else but I can’t remember but I know 4 sure that he didn’t say I like you 2 . So I’m really really confused ! If he likes me he would have confessed it so thats why im confused . He acts like he likes me , dont you think ? But does he ? Or am I just a good friend to him ??? What do you think

Answer #1

it sounds like your just friends. I think every guy needs a good “gal pal”. bc with girls you can talk about that stuff and sometimes with guy friends a guy cant talk about that.

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