What do you really think of me?

ok so I no its wrong to judge people but just by looking at my pictures adn everything else can you say what first coms to your mind bout me…I dont care how harsh it is or how nice it is…but just tell me the truth…like if you think I look egotisitcal and mean say it I’m just curious! dont hold back:)and if you no me you can still do it! just tell me what your first impression of me was!

Answer #1

that you’re a little kid who still needs to finish developing maturity and style and self confidence. until then, don’t post questions asking such harsh things..

Answer #2

you look like a person who knows how to have fun at the right moments and who is verygood at school

Answer #3

attention wh*re.

Answer #4

I think you look pretty. and that you like to have fun .. :)

Answer #5

um, I think im so tired of these questions !!!

Answer #6

Someone that is fun and isn’t stuck up and someone that cares about her friends.

Answer #7

ok I think you look Desperate for attancion…kinda harsh huh sorry…

Answer #8

I think that you look smart and sweet with a really good sense of humor

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