What do you notice about a girl?

when you first see a girl whats the first thing you notice?

e.g- her eyes, personality, boobs, height!?

Answer #1

I’ll list what I notice about a gal when I first see her:

1)her HAIR

2)her eyes/glasses

3)her style in shoes…that, to me says a lot about a girl. Not regarding the fact that I love feet, I do, but a girls choice in footwear speaks volumes!

4)her size…I, for ie:, happen to “love” a small framed, tiny woman. I’ve got a friend who’s 4’6” tall, long dark hair, dark eyes, small feet, and cute as cute can be…now some maybe more may not find her as attractive b/c of this, but hey–guess they’re just my own taste buds:-]

Answer #2

Probably her confidence in her posture or by the way she talks.

Answer #3

probably her hair. then the eyes.

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