What do you do here?

Hiya im new to fun advice, I came hear because one of my friends is on this and they told me about it and how good it is so I decided t come on it but im not complety sure what you do like how many questions can you ask and what types of questions and what are the good things and the bad things to ask, plus I wouldlike to make friends

Answer #1

Welcome :)

There’s no limit to the amount of questions you can ask. You can ask pretty much anything that doesnt break terms of use http://www.funadvice.com/doc/terms Again bad things would be on the list, good things is pretty much anything else… Making friends is easy here, just go to a person’s profile and click on add me. You can go through the types of questions you’re interested in (sorted on the left by topic) and see who answers them, who you have stuff in common with… Answering and asking questions is a great way to make friends. Comment on people’s pictures, comment on their walls, send them funmail, join a couple of groups, create your own group, upload pictures, customize your background, etc etc…

The advisors (the ones with the little yellow badges) are here to help, so if you have trouble with the site or with someone feel free to let us know. To know who is on, or the most recently active, click on the advisors link at the top and it will tell you…

Answer #2

This site is free, so you don’t need to worry about paying or how many questions you can ask or answer. Just read the terms of use and you’ll be fine. Welcome to funadvice! You’ll like it here. It’s a great site! and easy to navigate too. So have fun.

Answer #3

I recommend you familiarize yourself with the ToU, to avoid breaking any rules: http://www.funadvice.com/doc/terms

There is a list in there that tells you what kinds of questions you can not ask, so if you stick to that code- you’ll be fine.

There’s no limit on how many questions you can ask or answer, but make sure when you ask a question, it’s actually a question.

Chatting on the boards is not allowed, but you can use your comments and Funmail for that.

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