What do you all think?

I watch a lot of national geographic especially when they bring the religious features and some people believe that the book of revelation has come and passed already, but wouldnt that mean that they shouldnt be any sin or death?. Also if anyone has seen the thing about Judas saying that he didint actually betray god that he was told to do it or something like that, I dont know what to believe cause they said they have a book of judas that wasnt placed in the bible. So I am wondering now if this could be true what do you all think?

Answer #1

No, the revelation hasn’t passed away yet. No one knows when that day will be. It could be very soon or it could years from now. The book of revelation is a very disturbing book as it describes many things that will happen in the very last days or the end of the age. Scripture is very clear on many fronts as to the “times and season” when this will occur. The antichrist will be revealed etcetera, etcetera. We are only told to “watch for His glorious appearing”. To those who know Christ as Saviour, He will be a blessing to finally see Him as He is. To those who reject Him, He will come as Judge. The important thing to remember in all this is read it for yourself. You will find that the signs Revelation talk about have not come to pass yet. Be yourself ready for Him! I have heard of the Judas book that you are refering to and can understand the confusion. Scripture says that Judas at the time of the betrayal was,” full of the devil”, and he yielded to sinning against God by giving up Jesus. The gosple accounts are very clear in Judas’ role in the life and subsequent death of Christ. As for the book that Judas wrote, personally I don’t think or believe that he could deny an action in which at least 50 people witnessed. Read the account of Christ’s arrest in the garden. Of all the people that were there at that time, do think they are all lying? There were the Pharisees, leaders, soldiers, the apostles, Christ Himself, not to mention other peasants. There was quite a crowd it seems. Also, during the account of the last supper, Jesus looked right at Judas and told him, “go and do your deed”,(paraphrased). Hope this helps you.

Answer #2

Actually the ORIGINAL text is in Greek then Greek into Latin, Coptic (Egypt) and Syriac (Syria), and Arabic then came English sometime after that. . . So we can’t call the King james the original Text, Even for English after all it came along in 1611 and The Bishop’s Bible in 1568 and the Geneva Bible in 1587 both predate it. . .

Some interesting facts about the History of the Bible: The Bible is unquestionably the world’s all-time bestseller with an estimated 2 billion copies in print. The Bible was completed in its entirety nearly 2,000 years ago and stands today as the best-preserved literary work of all antiquity, with over 24,000 ancient New Testament manuscripts discovered so far (compare this with the second best-preserved literary work of all antiquity, Homer’s Iliad, with only 643 preserved manuscripts discovered thus far). The printing press wasn’t invented until the 1450’s, but we have hand-written copies of the Old Testament dating back to the 200’s BC. Remarkably, these ancient manuscripts are nearly identical to the Bible we read today.

As far as the New Testament, the Bodmer Papyrus II contains most of the Gospel of John and dates from around 150-200 AD. The Chester Beatty Papyri contains major portions of the New Testament and dates back to about 200 AD. The Codex Vaticanus, the oldest complete New Testament manuscript we’ve discovered so far, dates from 325-350 AD. The apostle John, who lived with Jesus and learned from Jesus, penned five New Testament books and died in 100 AD. We have fragments of John’s Gospel that date from 110-130 AD, within 30 years of his death. When compared to other ancient works such as Plato, Homer or Tacitus, that short time period between the original and the most recent copy is dramatic!

Clement of Rome was martyred in 100 AD. In his writings, he quoted from Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, 1 Corinthians, 1 Peter, Hebrews, and Titus. Clement’s quotes totally correspond with the Bible we read today. In fact, even if we lost all of the 5,300 early Greek manuscripts, all of the 10,000 Latin vulgates, and all of the 9,300 other ancient manuscripts, we would be able to reconstruct all but 11 verses of the New Testament from the writings of the early Church leaders who quoted from them extensively. We have over 36,000 preserved quotes from the New Testament. In a nutshell, the Bible stands today as the best-preserved literary work of all antiquity, and it’s overall reliability is without question!

Answer #3

Actually I think Antichrist and rapture are mentioned in the same verse in Revilations. An we will let the bible scholar handle this now and correct us. . . . . Balls in your court Captain.

Answer #4

Bible Truth - The Passion of the Ancient Writers When it comes to Bible truth, many critics argue that the early Church deliberately corrupted the Bible’s text for its own agenda. As for this argument, ask yourself one question: would a group of men who were willing to suffer terrible persecution and die horrible deaths in defense of the Scriptures be guilty of corrupting those very same Scriptures? That’s lunacy! If they corrupted the Scriptures, or knowingly allowed them to be corrupted, that would mean they knowingly suffered and died for a lie! No one suffers and dies for a lie! For example, the September 11th suicide hijackers may have sincerely believed in what they died for, but they weren’t in a position to know whether or not what they believed was true; they put their faith in traditions passed down to them over many generations. They didn’t knowingly die for a lie; they died for a lie in ignorance.

In contrast, the New Testament’s martyrs either saw what they claimed to see or they didn’t; plain and simple. Either they interacted with the resurrected Christ or they didn’t. They certainly knew whether or not their testimony was true! Nevertheless, these men clung to their testimonies, even to their brutal deaths at the hands of their persecutors, and despite being given every chance to recant, knowing full well whether their testimony was true of false. Why would so many men knowingly die for a lie? They had nothing to gain for lying and obviously everything to lose.

Answer #5

The bible is complete and as it should be if God wanted an other book in it do you think he would wait 2000 years to add it? The book of Revelation is called the Apocalypse literally: the lifting of the veil or basically figurative. the book was wrote to the early church.

Answer #6

People from every religion have died for their respective faiths, throughout history. I hope that doesn’t make them right, too…

With regards to changing scripture, I wouldn’t put it past people, of ANY faith or time period, to take their skeletons to the grave.

Answer #7

Oh, and the ‘antichrist’ isn’t mentioned in Revelation. It’s mentioned in ‘I John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3” and “II John 7”

Answer #8

The Bible isn’t complete. There are several books that were removed or left out. The hiearchs of the time compiled the books of the Bible how they saw fit for the time period.

Answer #9

I sometimes enjoy watching these shows too, but, they enevietably upset me, because they do not portray truth. In everything there will be some truth, and this is what makes it so hard to understand, what to believe, but, that truth is stuck in there just like bait on a hook, to reel us in… We need to know what the bible says… now, more than ever, because there is sooo much going on and so many people trying to teach falsehood, or deception, to discourage us and lead us astray, and to ultimately cause us to loose our faith. God Bless..

Answer #10

A lot of lies are being told out there - the Devil is the great deciever/distractor - go to the true source - the Bible - Bottom line, where you spend eternity depends upon whether a person accepts or rejects Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior…if you’d like to know ‘how’ go here: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Basics/howtobesaved.htm

I wish you the best !!

Answer #11

I just did.

In addition, I would advise you all place higher regard to the ORIGINAL text, and not some re-worded VERSION of the original (King James, New World, Nave’s, etc.) I think this might be where much of the confusion is generated.

Though some of these later versions are indeed easier to comprehend, the changes made by the writers (whose beliefs may have sparked the changes) cannot be taken as the true meaning of the original.

Answer #12

WE live in a day when every effort is being made to dilute or water down, bring confusion, delete, denigrade, etc… anything that has to do with the bible… there are nay sayers and detractors everywhere.. Satan is working overtime to destroy peoples faith in God.. and in the bible.. perilous times are here. … if you don’t hold onto your faith, and consider it precious, pretty soon you won’ t have any.. this is a sign of the times… very dangerous…

Answer #13

I forgot this Version. The English translation by Myles Coverdale (1535)

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