What do you think of my name?

Well my same is skylar What do yo you think of it.? What do you think it would mean?

Answer #1

I like your name it’s a lot better then my Sharleeza my mama had to be high when she came up with that one ; ]

Answer #2

It makes me think of Sylar off of heroes. Sorry,

Answer #3

whoa. its an awesum name man. rilly kewl

Answer #4

my friends name is skylar-india.. I like it, skylar is a nice name.

Answer #5

I like it its unique..its pretty..and cute..and then like if I think of it like the adventurous and fun way it reminds me of starwars..lol..I don’t know..

Answer #6

I really like that name a lot! :]

Answer #7

I had a guy in my class names SKylar

Answer #8

Its unique!! I like it:)

Answer #9

I think is a great ,cute name it kinda has the word sky in it but is a very grat name.

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