What do you think of her?

I have this friend and she is always looking at other girls and making comments on the way they look. Sometimes she even says things like nice butt or boobs and sometimes she stares them. When we see a hot guy she always says he is not. Btw she has a boyfriend. Do you think she is bi or somthing?

Answer #1

well I am bi, and the way you described her she may be curious or confused about her sexuality and she might wanna try stuf with a girl and she may just have different tastes in guys.

Answer #2

Oh, jadie in general, what I know about girls that they always look at each other and do comparisons between each other.. who has the biggest boobs, round butt, long hair..etc.!! and they criticize each other too !! you know Girls are ostentatious of what they have of charms whatever what those charms are !! I guess that girl maybe like all girls! For hot guys, perhaps she hate boys or she went through a bitter experience with someone I don’t know But dont exclude she maybe a bisexual too… So take care !! that what I think. !!

Answer #3

im bi and I do that sometimes lol maybe she is…ask her :D

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