What do you guys think this means?

So there’s this guy, we first liked each other, went out for a day, and then decided to stay friends. It was really awkward. And we didn’t talk at all. And we sit right next to each other at lunch. Anyway, so today I decided to comfront him. I said hey we haven’t been talking. And he’s like I was waiting for you to text me, I said I was waiting for him. So then I told him to text me tonight and he said he would. Then lunch came, it was great. We talked, and laughed. And lots of eye contact. Do you think he’ll text me? Do you think he’s now interested again? And what do I do to keep it this fun?

Answer #1

ohh ok thank you! and yeah it was him the second time saying he wanted to stay friends. and I was totally fine with it. but then he started to ignore me, until I spoke to him. and no, he didn’t text me last night like I told him to. ugh this sucks..

Answer #2

ok, first off when you guys decided to just “stay friends” was it you who brought up the topic or him? because if it was him, I’d guess he probably wants to keep it as friends, because guys normally know who they want as friends and whom they want as more. reason why he probably didn’t wanna talk to you in the first place is most likely because he didn’t want to lead you on or get the wrong concept that he was playing with you. he wanted to see if you were cool with him and the whole friends thing. since you approached him first, I’m assuming he feels that you’re cool with the situation.

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