what do you do!

what do you do when you like your ex-boyfriend but he dosn’t like u!!

Answer #1

well you know you can’t make someone want you but yea you just got to move on and yo will be fine

Answer #2

urghh!! how do you forget your ex boyfriend! when you really

liked him he was the frist guy I ever likedd!! urgh I been crying my self to sleep always

3 dayss!

I want him! backk but he dosn’t want me am so freaking pissed


haha lol…

Answer #3

how do I move on!!

I can’t get him out of my mind! I like him so much!

wait how do you know

if a your ex- boyfriend still likes you or whatever..

Answer #4

just move on…and maybe not have broken up with him in the first place lol

Answer #5

move on

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Love & Relationships

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