What do you all think of alexandra from big brother!

Alexandra!! From big brother!? I hate her and that sayin ‘remember I told you!’ omfg I wana slap her!! She winds me up so much!!! She is so arragant! She gives sh!t 2 people but cant take it when someone gives her it back I cant stand that girl!! An she should go!! I dont really like steph either!!! I think jens really sweet an omfg!! Cat!! Aka the cooky monster she is just adorable!!! I could just eat her up!! An I love mikey too aww bless him he makes me laff and rex is yummy!! Mmm but that alexandra!! I wana kik her! I hate her! So much!! What do otherds fink of her? Xx

Answer #1

jeeze thats pretty serious. Still, I’m going to go for a visit some day. I’ve been to birmingham and newcastle so liverpool manchester and london are on my to do list.

Answer #2

Its pretty cool. I have a picture of my view in my profile. That really says it all…it gets real quiet here lol. But I love it. I tried the whole city/town thing but it didn’t suit me.

What about ‘near liverpool’. whats it like over there? I’ve never been to Liverpool, but I heard its a great spot.

Answer #3

HA HA thats pretty impressive, you could ‘read’ my accent.. funny :) Its funnier if you heard it…especially mine. Its the kind of accent you couldnt take seriously lol. Yeah lets tag team the life out of her. We can just toss her to each other, give her a slap and toss her back.. I’ld love that lol.

Answer #4

haha I thought you was from irland bu the way you was typein!! I just had 2 chek an make sure haha the irish accent is funny haha how old are ya? we shud defo ake a wrestlin tag tea up of me an you an bounce alex round!! haha kik er every wer woop woop!:P xx

Answer #5

res the chef is MMM hes fit an propa sexual!! haha hes lush!! an cat is adorable but alex!! I wud kik her in the head!! im very hot headed an the slightest thing pises me off so I wud end up slapin er, im glad im not in that house because her face wid be bouncin off my knee! haha xxx

Answer #6

OMG I frikkin hate her too. I have never, in all my life, seen a person so aggressive and angry. I’m so hapy that I’m not in that house I would slap her up side the head so I would lol. I love that chef guy rex is it? for standing up to her.

I love cat too. she has such a great personality.

Answer #7

the clubs are great, some areas are ruff has hell!! an you walk the long way just to avoid it!! I dont actualy live in liverpool I live about 40 min drive but sum areas wer I live its real ruff you really do have 2 b careful were you go or you get the sh!t beaten out of you 4 no reason, if you look different or sound different you get the sh!t beaten outa u! I hate it an I cant w8 ti I move!! xx

Answer #8

we would be tag teaming her so cause I would slap her silly. I mean, how immature was that, when she snapped the lighter out of rex’s hand. If my mortal enemy wanted a light off me I would let him. OOOH I’ld lve to be smackin her.

Wish I could share your enthusiasm towards rex’s looks lol.. he doesn’t do it for me though ha ha.

Answer #9

sum parts of newcastle are nice manachester is great for shoping, so I liverpool I’ve never 2 birmingham or london before xx

Answer #10

lmao cute, wots it like wer you live?xx

Answer #11

squeaky??? lol .. hell no. I have a voice like Barry White I’ll have you know.

Answer #12

is ya accent dead squeaky lol? I love irish accent me it makes me giggle xx

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