What do I tell her?

What do I tell her I am 18 I have a 5 year old little girl (I dont need lechures I have already went threw that) but when I was 13 I had sex condom broke didnt think anything of it then I found out I was prgnant tand as soon as I told todd(her father) he left and I have not seen or herd from him since.I didnt have her untill I was 14 though and she staring to ask about having a daddy and where is her daddy at I feel horrible becuase he just left and shes never met him. I feel like crap because I never know what to tell her and hes not comming back and what about you guys is there anyone who has grown up without a dad? What was it like for you. And I dont know how to tell a 5 yer old that her daddy is not cmming back ? Shes gonna know sometime but she keeps asking wheres daddy? I feel like a bad mother when she starts that stuff in on me and theres nothing I can do please help

Answer #1

You might want to tell her that you and her father aren’t really in speaking terms. I’ve had a streneous relationship with my father. He never really was there for me. Tell your daughter that you’re both her mother and father, and that she doesn’t need a man to serve the ‘daddy’ role for her.

Answer #2

thx she still doesnt quite understand that though not yet anyways.

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