What do I say to my girlfriend?

Well basicly I want to take my relationship a step futher to make is stronger but my girlfriend dont want to so what do I say to her or ask her ?

Answer #1

dont do it have respect for her

Answer #2

You back off and show her some effing respect. She’ll do it when she’s good and ready and if you try to convince her before you deserve a good smack.

Answer #3

I would agree with lovelovelovee because my ex-boyfirend kept asking and asking and it made me fell pressured. just give her space and show her you respect her decision, she might change her mind. hope I helped. :)

Answer #4

Well, Shes probably scared and thats normal! do other things to make her more comfortable then maybe later down the road she would be willing! Some ideas… show her respect- dont do somthing she doesnt wanna do, that will make her fall in love with you even more.. ok so I’ll get a little bit more personal. maybe try rubbing her, but dont make her feel uncomfortable! if she says stop then stop or tell her you promise not to finger her your just relaxing her. rub her right below the stomach and the inner thighs and legs. if she wants it then she will tell u.. dont go no further then that..

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