what do I do with my mom?

ok well im 16 and im the only girl out of 2 boys and since I remember me and my mom always bump heads a lot.Im the one she always yells at and the only one out of my siblings shes ever hit.But when we are not bumping heads we are like best friends we do everything together and get along very well but the littlest things make us mad at each other.Lately I’ve been going to church a lot and I try not to yell at her back but she keeps coming at me.The problem here is I want a mom not her as my friend and I have talked to her several times about it but she never listens.I’ve ran away from home twice before and when I came back she changed for a few days then went back to being the same.So basically I just dont want to live with her anymore because shes never really there for me or my brothers shes always gone to her boyfriends house and he doesnt really let her have anytime with us.I dont get along with him I always argue with him.I would go live with my dad but we dont get along either and he cant afford to take me in.I also dont have relatives around here to go with.What do I do about my mom?shes not going to change,thats a fact and I dont want to live with her either and if I talk to her to send me with some relatives in mexico or wherever she wont let me.The thing with her is that she wants to be out with her boyfriend and she wants me to be at home taking care of my little brother(it doesnt bother me to take care of him)but he is her son though.I have independent studies and im always at home and on weekend I can only go out once and thats it.what do I do??I dont want to be home!

Answer #1

Honestly, calling social services will do next to nothing. She isn’t outright abusing you or your siblings. You could try to pull of “neglect” but if you are fed, have a roof over your head, and are in school, they aren’t going to do anything. Also, you want to try to avoid the foster care system. If you have no relatives you will be put into likely separate foster homes, most of which are extremely strict and you would be sharing a room with 2+ other kids (they usually do at least 3 to a room).

I would make the best of things. You’re going to be 18 in two years. It’s not as far off as it seems. I would just stick it out, take care of your family, and deal with it.

Best of luck, kiddo.

Answer #2

you have to call social services. you cannot continue to live this way. it’s horrid for your mother to make you. you are obviously open to moving in somewhere else and you could even request to keep you little brother with you. you’d be placed into a much better situation and if your mother cleans he life up, she can actually regain custody of you. try it and see if it helps.

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