What do I do when we broke up?

what do you do when you cant stop thinking about a relationship with a man you’ve been with for 2 1/2 years and finally broke up because I was talkin to some other guy I didnt know and he told me if he ever catched me talkin to someone that I didnt know that it would be like cheating… he has a reason to not trust me cause I did him wrong many times but we kindaa werent ever going out … like offically…

Answer #1

If you 2 weren’t official then thats not called a relationship sweetie.You didnt do anything wrong unless you were dating.it seems like you were confused about being with this person thats what lead you to see some one else.NOW! if you had him thinking there was no one else then that is your fault for leading on luv.Look you might need to right him a long letter explaining how you felt about the relationship between you 2 and see what he says.Just be as honest as you can…best of luck

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Love & Relationships

Dating, Marriage, Breakups