What do I do...what can I do?

Well…I have been going out with a girl for 5 months now. and about 2 weeks ago, her actions toward me changed a lot…we texted each other regularly and saw each other frequently. but now…I almost think she doesnt want to be with me anymore. I text her and dont hear anything for a decent amount of time. I think maybe shes mad at me, but when I ask she wont talk to me, let alone tell me whats wrong. I do love her, but dont know if she loves me back. I was thinking about telling her, but I cant seem to get her to agree to meet me anywhere. anyone have this happen to them? If so any ideas of what I can do? I dont want to lose her, so any advice is welcome

Answer #1

I actually got my answer. she broke up with me on monday. :-/

Answer #2

ok,im a girl and if she has changed that much then its b/c of something. maybe she likes someone else,maybe your not treeting her right or the way she wants you to treet her.I think you should talk to her IN PURSON and you should ask her like wats up? why are you treeting me so diffrently/? and tell her that you want to talk about this because if theres some one else in her like then shes not worth it and I have to move on..and if she dosent want to talk to you then wtf is wrong with her..your her boyfriend and if shes with someone else then why the hell are you going ot with her..look I really hope my advice works and hope it helps all you have to do is talk to her…

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