What do I do?

Me and my ex spilt up 6 weeks ago he dumped me 4 a another girl and now they have broken up. I see him in town and all he does is stare at me even if I look at him he just stares at me. I went town with his mates and we saw him there and I walked off from him, I sent him a drunkin txt sayin how much he ment 2 me and he kept it and showed his mates :s. But now when I see him I feel different like I should be there holding his hand and laughin. When he dumped me he was cryin down the phone sayin I deserve someone so much better. My mate made up a rumour that she hit me 2 see if he cared he rang me up twice first of an unknown caller and then of his mates phone. I asked him why do you care so much now and he turned around and said cause he does still care and then he had a go at my best mate 4 hittin me. Then I was talkin 2 his mate on msn and was like why did jay ring me up and he turned around and said cause he wanted 2 ring u. Then I turned around and said I am not going near where jay lives again and he turned around and said well you will never see jay again and I went I think that what jay wants. Now I keep gettin unknown callers ringin me up I have had 4 in the past 3 weeks. Plez could someone help me xxx

Answer #1

your ex is an as$, I hate guys who think that can have it both ways. he broke up with you for another girl he thought was better and when they broke up, he thought he could get you back and have everything be like normal. HELL NO! he’s a bastard. dont get back with him, no matter how you feel, you’ll just get hurt again. he just cried to make it easier for you or to make you feel sorry for him. you do deserve better. if he did this once, he could do it again. he ditched you for what he though was an upgrade, but he got screwed. tell him good luck with his life and move on girl. he wont change. if he says he will, it’s a lie.

Answer #2

don’t become the rebound girl.

if he hurt you, then its time to move on…if he’s crying and trying to get you back I’d tell him the oppurtunity has passed. you two broke up and clearly there was a reason for it. don’t be the eternal booty call or rebound girl.

move on sweetie!

Answer #3

I agree with her I think that you still care about him but you should move on trust me I no how you feel I’ve been in you shoes. get some one better

Answer #4

As stephanie said, you are nothing but a rebound. Keep in mind the reason he dumped you (another girl). They are no longer together (my guess is SHE ended it), now hes acting like he still cares about you? Did he act like this while he was with his girlfriend? Move on girl, or you’ll be fixing your broken heart over & over, because I guarantee, if he left you once for a girl, he’ll do it again when someone better comes along! Dont let him play you for a fool!

Answer #5

As much as you like him I think hes a waste of your time - I mean if he cared about you that much he wouldn’t have broken up with you for someone else. If you truly love someone and care about them you don’t just drop them like that. Its all part of his plan and its working. It obviously didn’t work out with the other girl so he’s using you as a rebound till he finds another girl to break up with you for.

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