What Do I Do!! My Boyfriend Pratically Has Me On A Leashh!!!?

Well my question is what do I tell my boyfriend he’s to controlling about what I wear or sometimes how I act. I’m very intergetic and like to just play around but whatever I do I’m either trying to get attention or just doing something!!! Ahh Please give me answers!

Ps. Don’t just give me answers like ((dump him)) I’ve been with him too long it would be too hard!

Answer #1

You could try talking to him about it, but the truth is, it’s very alarming when someone in the relationship tries to control the other. As your boyfriend, he should never do that. He has no right or business to. He should be accepting you for the person you are, not trying to change you into what he thinks you should be.

Anyhow.. tell him that this is who you are, and that it hurts you when he tries controlling you. Let him know that you aren’t okay with it, and that it needs to change.

If it doesn’t change or gets worse, you need to do what would be best for you and leave. It will be hard, but you deserve better and you WILL be okay in time. Just because staying is easier, it doesn’t mean that it’s right.

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