What do I do if a guy?

Well My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year and may be ready to take the next step. I’m not saying sex but like fingering and like hand jobs? Unless you wanna say it’s sex, but yeah what if he doesn’t like hair down in that area. Not saying I don’t get rid of some of the hair I do, I trim it and I shave the bikini line part, but what if he wants it all off? What do I say.? If you have time Please help. thank you.

Answer #1

if you are ready for the next step you could always let him do it for you my partner lets me shave her and it makes for horny fun hope this helps

Answer #2

okay one if youve been dating for over a year and if your 14 or over he much really like you if you havent gone further than just kissing. Really if it matters this much to you shut shave it all off but if you reall dont want to just talk to him. But if you dont want to do anything then dont let him its ultimatley up to you

Answer #3

Well, it’s your body so its your choice. Ask him what he likes better and talk to him about your feelings about it. You guys should be able to talk honestly about these things before actually doing them. Listen to his opinion and reasoning, but don’t let him pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to do. It is a personal decision.

Answer #4

Is your body, but maybe ask him straight up what he prefers. That way you will be more relax. We guys love if a girl ask us a question like that, no big deal. But just me, I prefer the no hair look or just some what they call a landing strip lol!

Answer #5

tough one, well look if your guy wants to finger you right hes gonna want you to feel pleased so when your doing things like questioning your apearance, then these little factors might be stopping you from enjoying it. If he wants it all off then well if its okay with you get it waxed off this will hurt honestly =/. (have a pillow to squeeze while getting it waxed =O)

Answer #6

well… if he really loves you and wants it all whit you he should not be worring about that, but if you want to please him go for waxin it helps better and keeps the hair away longer…


Answer #7

just like have your friends make up sum perverted question like thy just wnna mess with him and thy cud b like haha which way you like it and shit so then you will know I hope this helped (:

Answer #8

Well Heres What You Can Do, You Can Try Explaining Your Feelings Towards Him And Why Or why Not You Should Shave in that Personal Spot But Most Likley If He Really Loves You Then he Will Value What You Say And Cherishh Your Mind Power.

Any More Questions Funmail Me.

And Try Not To Predict What He will think Just Try It And See The Reaction And After That Just Follow the information Above.

Thanks Vote 100%

Answer #9

rachael_raynee wtf lol that made no sense at all

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