What do I do about this guy?

I like this guy at school. I sit beside him. He talk to me a lot and sometime we walk beside eachother when we are coming out of school and im not sure if he likes me because sometimes he doesnt talk to me that much but at ohter times he does. And he likes to make me laff a lot. Please help im confused. Im not sure if he likes me ! What shud I do???plus if I tell how I feel he mite not like me then it mite just ruin our friendship that we have… Help!?!?!?!!?

Answer #1

try and get a phone number or some contact details so you can stay in touch with him… then, depending on where he is moving to, ry to meet up with him and take it from there really gd luck x

Answer #2


Answer #3

I think I shud tell him that I like him … how do I put it?

Answer #4

OK so he told me hes gonna leave the school but I dont think anybody knows though. so im happy and sad because im happy because he trusts me but im sad because he s leaving help

Answer #5

thanks im gonna do that :)

Answer #6

same problem as me! When he doesn’t talk to you much he may just be a bit shy, try to make conversaion it may just work, find out about what he likes you may ave more stuff and common than you thought, then you will have more stuff to talk about when he is quiet.

Hope I helpped ;D

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