What do I do about my lip?

I am 14 years old and I have not had sex or kissed anyone yet…and I recently 2 day ago got really bad chapped lips and even thou I put chapstick on it it wouldnt go away and know 2-3 days later I have a blister around the area where your lip ends when you smile your end is pointy whatever anyway I have blisters in that area and I don’t know what does it sound like 2 you helpp???

Answer #1

Cold sore I don’t think you have herpes at all =]. You haven’t kissed anyone?

Answer #2

I Definetley agree witht the advisor I think that its a cold sore.

Answer #3

It sounds like you have a cold sore.

You can get Abreva at the pharmacy.

Answer #4

Yes, I’d say a cold sore…or if you go tanning it might be a heat rash. Like they said above you can go and get Abreva. It’s easy to find and not very expensive. Don’t share drinks or chapstick with anyone and I’d throw that chapstick you’re using away after it’s healed. Also, try drinking more water. Good luck!

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