What do I do about my dream?

I was in a commited relationship with a guy 3 years older than me. I started going out with him when I was 14 and he was 17 and I felt like I had never been happier. We were together for 18 months and we had the occasional argument. One argument my boyfriend dumped me. I cried none stop for about 72 hours and now 2 weeks later I still want him back. He told me there might of still been a chance after a couple of weeks but that never happened. Now we are best mates but I miss him so much. He told me he wanted to spend his life with me. My mates have also all turned against me and when I need someone I turn to him naturally and he gets angry at me. Another big thing is that we have sex still. I lost my virginity to him so it gives me a bit of safety I think. and I do stuff on webcam for him to get him to talk to me. please help I dont no what to do next

Answer #1

I still have sex with him because its the only way I can get close to him. Everytime I tell him I love him and that I need him and everythin he pushes me away. I dont understand how he can turn his emotions off just like that over 1 stupid argument.

Answer #2

He isn’t turning his emotions on and off he is taking advantage of you because he knows you will have sex with him. There is a saying why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. You can have sex til the cows come home and all he will do is have less and less respect for you. Sex does not equal love and it never will with this guy…at least not with you. You need to get over him and get on with your life. Quit being used. He knows he can play on your emotions to get what he wants.

I was married 7 years and thought the more sex the more he will fall in love with me. I FINALLY woke up to the facts and the reality…and got divorced.

Answer #3

You may think of him as a best mate, but hes just USING you for sex! Hes being nice so you’ll give him what he wants. Sorry, but all you are to him is a sex object! I suggest taking what dignity you have left, and get rid of this disrespectful jerk! Giving him sex Hun, doesnt mean hes going to magically want to date you again. Hes getting what most guys have to be in a relationship to get for FREE! You obviously have no self esteem, otherwise you would have kicked this loser out of your life for good! STOP GIVING HIM SEX…hes an ex, not a boyfriend!

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice