what do I do about him

ok so my boyfriend broke up with me on our one month and he said it was because we live too far away from eachother and he said it wasnt perminate just untill he got his lisence and a car and a job which would be like the end of summer and he said he really loved me and he wanted to be with me forever before and I asked him if that was a lie and he said no it was true but then the next day he had a new girlfriend wich was his ex girlfriend and I think he has been texting her the whole time we have been dating but should I believe him that he will get back together wiht me at the end of the summer and should I still talk to him and be friends with him or should I just stop talking to him and not even be friends with him anymore help me please I need the advice

Answer #1

Hun, just removed yourself from him permanately! One month isnt worth taking things so personally.

Answer #2

the next day??

thats hard to believe if he REALLY loved you he wouldnt break up with you just because of distance. me and my boyfriend are a good hour from eachother with strict parents on both ends and we only get to see eachother once every few weeks but we have been going strong for fiive months (almost six)

I doubt that if he really loved you he wouldn’t want to be with anyone other then you, I also know that from expirence neither me nor my boyfriend could ever picture ourselves with anyone else

I would talk to him about it but it doesnt sound like he really really loves you.

I would also tell him that you are no longer interesteded for this sound like the type of guy that would hurt you

hope this helps!! :D

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