What do I do if he has a girlfriend?

He says he loves me but he’s with his girlfriend!

Answer #1

Why wouldn’t a “single” guy love you? Go out there and experiment and explore. This guys got his own exploring to do obviously if he can’t make up his mind. He needs to wake up and realize if that relationship isn’t working then he needs to go.

Answer #2

Well.. being of the male species, all I can say is… does it make sense to you, that he loves you, yet is with his girlfriend? (sorry to answer your question.. with a question, but don’t worry, I’m going somewhere with this…I think) Talk to him, ask how this happens.. he’s probably gonna say “I dunno” or something along those lines… if he says that he doesn’t want to hurt her.. then you should bring to his attention that, by not loving her, he’s hurting; himself, you, and her in the long run. I dunno if it’s any help.. it’s all I can think of right now..

Answer #3

Been there seen it…not good Heres the flat out truth. NO matter how nice he is or how much you believe him when he tells you he loves you, the truth is hes playing you. Hes making sure that if something dose go wrong with the relationship hes in now goes wrong that their will always be a back up. Dont be that girl. I was once. I know all this becuase the guy that was playing me told his best friend everything, and his friend told me. Im sorry and I know how hard it is to accept this, but Im dead serious when I say hes playing you.

Answer #4

tell his girl friend and tell him to stop telling you these things until he is a free man, and even the next time he is avable idk if you want someone like that with you what if next time your the girlfriend and they are the one hideing in the closet

Answer #5

Sounds a bit like a player to me, like “having his cake and eating too”. You need to stick up for yourself.

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