what do I do?

I’ve been talkint to this kid for like 2 almost 3 months we both like each other but before we go out he wants to have sex.. what should I do?

Answer #1

omg He has no respect for you and probably no feelings. Have a little self respect and keep your dignity and integrity. DON’T DO IT!!! :o

Answer #2

he’s just trying to use you, if he wasnt he wouldnt want to have sex with you before you were in a relationship

Answer #3

3 months it’s few time you have to wait. tell me what happen with you after this advice.

Answer #4

Make him wait!!!

Answer #5

That’s pretty obvious.

Answer #6

Open your head and realize he’s trying to using you, I don’t know how this isn’t a flashing red light for you. Evidently he’s just looking for sex and has absolutely zero respect for you.

Answer #7

ttheres a few things you could do…

1: stop talking to him 2:have sex with him and see what haappens. 3:realize hes a manwhore and move on before he breaks your heart

I’d go with a combination of 1 and 3. :)

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice