What do guys want?

What do they look 4? Like attitude or looks or sex

Answer #1

Girls think that guys are after one thing. but its most definately not true at all. just someone to really talk to. SERIOUS! they just want a friend. but of course you can do sexual stuff. but thats not what they only want.

Answer #2


Answer #3

What I dont get is how come we ask questions like ‘’What do guys/girls want from girls/guys…’’ Shouldn’t the answer lie in what guy/girls expect from their exisiting partners..and not what expectations they have from someone they barely know(a crush for eg)…or someone who is entirely fictional…

Answer #4

Don’t let a guy tell you that looks matter… like the one above/// bc they DONT unless thats all the guy wants. The guy you’re with is suppose to think you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen if he really cares about you. I’m kind of lucky.

Msg me??? so we can talk about this?

Answer #5

Depends on the guy… some look for sex, some look for personality, some look for looks. Thats why its good to just be yourself and don’t try and put a fake impression on and its good to know the guy really good before you date to prevent getting used.

Answer #6

…for the people who says the guys age… thats not true. Someones age says nothing about their personality. Its their maturity level. Someone could be 30 could easily make choices of an 11-year-old.

Answer #7

depends on the guy. If they are players, all they want is sex… how many times have you been heartbroken??? that should help you out if it’s been a lot… Sometimes looks… sometimes personality… sometimes just the feeling of being with you… In my case, a lot have been sex… I don’t know though. What is the guy like?

Answer #8

it all depends on the age. younger guys tend to be more interested just in physical appearance, and yes, having sex. As we get older, looks still impress us but in a different way. Women with overall class tend to be more appealing.

We start to get more interested in marrying and settling down, and we realize that your average playboy bunny isn’t necessarily the best candidate for this. So we turn our attention to things like personality, maternal instincts, loyalty, companionship, etc.

Answer #9

Don’t worry about what a guy is looking for in you. Worry about what you are looking for in a guy. I know that in my case, I am looking for someone who I can have a deep connection with.

That said, I don’t know of any couples who have been married a long time (like 50+ years) who rely on sex, or good looks or “being cool” to make their relationship work. If you want to be happy in the long term, you have to connect on a deeper level.

Answer #10

“Someone could be 30 could easily make choices of an 11-year-old.”

I don’t think the original question was geared toward pedophiles. I think it was geared toward what the average guy is looking for. The reality is, age is absolutely a factor in what the average guy is looking for. Putting the mentally disturbed aside, guys tend to change what they look for in a woman as they get older. Yes, it varies with personality, but there is a definate trend that can be observed in the vast majority of men.

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