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How do you deal with your parents always nagging at you saying that you are the reason why they fuss & argue?

Answer #1

Have you tried talking to them about how it makes you feel? Also, are you causing problems? I dont know you or the situation - but it could be all of your faults. If you are misbehaving, doing bad in school, not doing your chores, breaking rules, etc, it could very well be causing fights between your parents if one of them is trying to stick up for you.

Answer #2

To be honest my parents are always drunk. Im a straight A student. I’ve always got all my chores finished before they get home. We don’t have any rules at my house. So…

Answer #3

thats the anser, they’re alcoholics, and they are trying to put that blame on you. I;m sorry thats your situation. Hope it gets better. If you ever wanna talk… And eddyk thats wasnt really nice of you… be nice, lol…

Answer #4

Then you need to seek some help and get out of that house. Your parents are alocholics and not fit to be parents. Go live with a relative. If they try and stop you - call the cops.

Answer #5

Don’t think it’s your fault. It’s their fault for being irresponsible with you. Is there anyone you completely trust? Tell them about what’s been happening.

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