What cracks you up?

What cracks you up so hard that…well…what cracks you up?

Answer #1

the times when you’re supposed to be really serious and quiet, but then you look at your best friend or sister at that moment and you both just crack up laughing and cannot stop!

Answer #2


Answer #3

um… when people trip. but its only funny when there not seriously hurt

Answer #4

the pie in the face =D

Answer #5

I gotta say awkward moments. Like when its silent, you just start laughing.. for example, we were at a softball game, and this girl Danielle came in because she got hit in the leg, and then someone tagged her out at 2nd, and she was crying. Everyone was all around her, because she was crying because her leg hurt…I’ve been struck in the shins many, many times with a softball…and yeah, it hurts…for like, two minutes. Anyways, as everyone was all around her, it was silent. I don’t like this girl, and I don’t like silence..so I’m sitting here, and I turn around and I go, ‘IT’S SO QUIET!’ and start laughing really really hard… yeah, stuff like that. Lol

Answer #6

AWQUARD SITUATIONS make me laugh hard. example, I was getting my oil changed the other day, there was one guy ahead of me. so we were waiting in a real small waiting room. And I did this just to see what he’s do. I was really high and my eyes bloodshot as hell. And I would just stare straight with a smug smirk on my face for no reason. And every once in a while I’d look at him. he didn’t know what to do. he starts figiting with the reading material, I could tell he wasn’t actually reading it. then he starts figiting with his cell phone, and im just staring with a smirk on my face. aquard, yes, hillarious, hell ya. probably thought I was a phyco

Answer #7

my boyfriend trying to imatate me or my boyfriend trying to talk in indonesian!

Answer #8

catching my mom sis or cousin singing to themselves in the bathroom :P

Answer #9

I tried to upload a picture and it didn’t work. Hopefully it does this time.

Answer #10

my sister singing lol

Answer #11

my dad dancing

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