What comebacks should I use?

He is saying “really” and I say “yes really” and then he says “oh that’s real mature” in a sarcastic way. I need yo deal with his sarcasm with the best comebacks you got.

Answer #1

just say yes really are you a retard and dont under standn english x

Answer #2

yeah what is he asking really to? and well often when im faced with a sarcastic “really” I just do a straight face and walk away or stay with a straight face and stare until they laugh and the tension or whatever is broken. works with me.

Answer #3

words can hurt, and sometimes it may not be that easy to just let it go. but if you ignore it you are being the stronger person in the situation no matter how hard it may sometimes be

Answer #4

You can say… “ dats why you so old that you was playin bball wit jesus”… Orrr, say… “ dats whyu so fat that every1 needs a 2010 gps just to get around u!!!” thats all I got… You can prob. Search up yomomma jokes on google. They mite have better 1s!!!

Answer #5

just walk away as if he is being immature. which he is. act like hes being a jerk as you cbf dealing with it.

Answer #6

you could always just ignore someone whos being that childish or not talk to them in the first place

Answer #7

wait, what’s he saying ‘really’ too? did you say like “I wrote with a pencil.” ~you. “Really?” ~him. “Yes really.” ~you.

I’m confused. what’s he saying really too???

Answer #8

Just say Thank you! (:

Answer #9

You’re both being immature - let it go.

Answer #10

Tell them to act there age and not there IQ. ^_^

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