What color would you die your hair forever if you had to??

You know I’m just bored =))

so… what if you had to die your hair for life… What clor whould you choose and why???

Answer #1

I would dye my hair something with neon. Like, neon green, or blue, or purple. with neon pink with roots. :D

Answer #2

light brown :)

Answer #3

hmm my natural brown with neon purple underneath!

Answer #4

If I had to dye it, I’d choose black. I think black would go with my icy greyish blue eyes and pale skin VERY well.

Answer #5

red & black

Answer #6

I would want my natural color back which is dark brown .

Answer #7

probably light blond,. I have dark hair, and I always did

Answer #8

I wud have to be rainbow..my hair already looks like a rainbow, just with brown lol..but if I have to choose jsut1color, bright neon purple!Ahahaha XD (btw im bored to!!lol)

Answer #9

id keep my natural hair color. x] but if I had to dye it a certain color, I’d choose black. tol. id look a bit funny in blonde, wouldn’t I? xD

Answer #10

I would die my hair a light brown because the colour I have at the minute ( Black / Brown ) Makes me look like a ghost (L)(L)

Answer #11

an auburn color so its a little more lively than the color I have now :)

Answer #12

Id keep MY NATURAL Colour

Answer #13

Black. It like doesn’t damage your hair and looks really good on me

Answer #14

you answered my question but what do you meean but on it ?

Answer #15

Brown. I’ve had blonde hair since I was born and I hate it. Brunette is so pretty, I love it!

Answer #16

Blonde because I think it goes well with my pinkish skin tones.

Answer #17

a very light brown

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