what color(s) should I dye my hair?

I kinda needs some help figuring out what I should do… I’m allowed to do un-natural colors… so what do you think I should do?

Answer #1

thanks!! I’m gunna dye the bottom layer of my hair turquiose. :D It’s going to be freakin’ sweet!

Answer #2

I have friend that have amazing hair-dying talents, and some of the coolest stuff I have seen is: black hair with randomized placement of purple <- my friend kevin. turquoise with pink & puple, kinda like a rainbow going in and out <- my friend ariel. black hair with hot pink tips. any combination of black hair and a splash of color looks nice if done properly. sometimes doing the fading like my friend ariel did looks amazing. but the fading is very hard to keep up with as some colors fade faster than others. it all depends on prefrence.

Answer #3

black light purple and black…aweesome. or deep sapphire blue. AH! SWEETLES! you have a trantula, cute! ohh I want to pet it!

Answer #4

Black/Dark Blue

Answer #5

black with a teal/green tint .

Answer #6

I agree with the latter

Answer #7

black with 2 red streaks on the sides.

Answer #8

Black is always been an easy color to dye ones hair

Answer #9

turquoise and black would be badace.

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