What christmas means to you?

What is the real meaning behind christmas? Help me by teaching me more. Catholic answers please!

Answer #1

Jesus is the reason for the season.

Answer #2

To me cristmas is just another day of the year don’t get me wrong I belive in JESUS I just don’t belive that he was born on december 25th it is know where in the bible when JESUS is born but I do know that he was not born on the 25th of december in fact december 25th is a pagen holiday that is the day a lot of people worship the sun

Answer #3

ok well for certain I know he was not born on that day but all around the world people celebrate it on that day. thanks for your comment. oh yea here in my country the only people who don’t celebrate it are the jehova’s witness.

Answer #4

“Christ”mas is a copycat holiday stolen from the celebration of the winter solstice by the pagans. The winter solstice celebrations began almost 50 years before the birth of Christ and just so happened to fall on December 25th. Since it’s widely accepted by biblical scholars that Christ’s birth occurred on January 16th Christmas doesn’t mean crap to me. However as a Deist I celebrate the winter solstice, the original holiday on December 25th, to me it means a time of love and caring, it’s a time put others before ourselves and enjoy all the presents because that’s what the pagan’s did long before the Christians jacked their holiday..

Answer #5

‘The winter solstice celebrations began almost 50 years before the birth of Christ’

Heheh, wow, a full 50 years, huh?

Druids, Celts, and Proto-Celts, and Egyptians were celebrating the winter solstice 3,000 years before Christ was born. Why did you pick 50?

Answer #6

well you guys give me good ideas about what it is. Atleast I like christmas. Why do you involve christians here geee. I mean no one is actually living a truth. we only believe lol…pick better words. but thanks for the comment!!

Answer #7

I can’t answer Catholic, but I’ll answer by being a follower of Christ, who is my Lord God and Savior. Christianity is a relationship with God, not any kind of religion. He dwells in my heart because I asked Him in. He is forever drawing us near to Him and when we accept His calling, become a child of God. Remember, there are no grandkids, we are all children of God. So simple, nothing else to do!

Christmas is celebrated as the birth of our Holy God, who made Himself a humble baby and came to show us how and Who to live for! Jesus, the humble son of man and Holy Son of God. Fully man, fully God! Bless you this Christmas!

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