what caused the big bang?

what caused the big bang?

Answer #1

mathematics and physics can predict the state of the universe when it was less than one second old. Thus all the laws of the universe and all the mathematics that explains these laws are valid when the universe was less than one second old. however, before the universe came into creation via the big bang, no physics or mathematics can predict what came before the universe. But, the prevailing thought is that before the universe there was an infinite point called the “singularity” that was perfect and symmetrical. A “force” distrupted this symmetry, thereby causing the inflationary universe to exist. This distruption is called the “big bang”. Thus, God was the force that distrupted the singularity thereby creating the universe. It is this God that I believe in, not the God in the bible that hates humanity. Alternatively, there is a strange theory called the “multiuniverse”. in this theory, universes give rise to other universes similarly to cells giving rise to other cells by cell division. While I do not necessarily believe in the multiuniverse theory, it would explain the existance of our universe without the need to have a creator such as god to be involved.

Answer #2

Well the Big Bang is a theory and there is no complete truth on what it was and what caused it. Depends on your beliefs. If you dont believe in God and Consciousness than wait it out for science to find the answer but if you believe in God it seems obvious that the Big bang was God starting the movement of our universe. Consciousness beginning to create…

Answer #3

well, take my word for it. the big bang is nothing but a mere theory and it was never really proven. and it is NOT true. just like the theory of evolution. darwin was a christian. in christianity, adam and eve were the first humans. uhh…hellooo? I just said humans, not algae. algae is what evolution started from. sooo all these theories are basically notifiyign us that our ancestors are hybrids of plants and fungus… theories?? more like lies…

Answer #4

Astronomers, physicists and mathematicians are working on the answer they think they know what it is like they are studying sumn bout it and they think they got the answer but they are not quite sure I had this in my last year of high school

Answer #5

boarder 46 is right, at least acording to the current most accepted theory… if you wanna know more id look into string theor, apparently 2 strings colided, the dimensional ones not the ones that make up all matter

Answer #6

It doesn’t matter. The sun will blow up someday. We are not control of the universe. Live for today. Not in a selfish way, because we are all here for when we are here, and we should be nice to each other. And when the end comes, we can’t change that , accept it.

Answer #7

The ultimate divinity - the Goddess.

Answer #8


And what caused your god?

Answer #9


Answer #10

imagrents , dont the cause everything


Answer #11

something about a soup or a cell or something, doesn’t matter I don’t beleive in it any way. but I am pretty sure it had something to do with one of those

Answer #12


Answer #13

apparently it was when 2 PARALLEL universes collided cause a huge explosion. but as Instien said ‘religion without science is blind and science without religion is handicapped’

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